Interview: Secret Lives Of The Freemasons

Alter The Press: Greetings from England! Firstly, the question everyone is asking, when will you be touring the UK?
Brien Worsham: We hoped to be in the UK next month but that fell through. We hope to be coming over in 09 however!
ATP: What is your extent of knowledge of the UK?
BW: I think I fall into the "stupid american" slot on that one. I don't know very much at all. Some good friends of ours in a band called Sanctity have toured the UK a lot so we always get some amazing story's! We can't wait to come party!
ATP: Each album is equally good as the other, but what made you take a slightly different musical approach on 'Weekend Warriors'?
BW: We realized the breakdown stuff was becoming more popular and we knew what it was going to turn into. We knew it was something we wouldn't agree wit. We just decided to go with a more pop attitude for the new record. We all love bands like Saves The Day, The Get Up Kids and Lifetime. We just wanted to be like bands that we grew up on.
ATP: What bands influenced you to make the music that you do with Secret Lives?
BW: So much music influences us. I love all kinds of music. From HxC to hip hop to country. I'm really al over the place with my music taste. I just don't really want to have a limit to what I feel I can listen to. We love every kind of music for what it is. I guess you can say we're influenced by it all.
ATP: Will 'Robots' (Brien's side project) become a focused side project or is it more a hobby?
BW: When I get home from tour, I plan to make Robots a more focused project. I'm really into the direction its going at the moment. We are working on a new record called 'Young Dirty'. Should be done with it in early 09. We have an EP done at the moment that we are going to be put on our MySpace for free.
ATP: You just toured across with The Sleeping across the US, how did that go?
BW: Amazing! We love those guys so much. They really are a true blessing to be on the road with. Great dudes and an amazing band. Such talent. Our response has been really good too. Kids have been digging us so thats good! Haha!
ATP: What does the future hold for Secret Lives?
BW: We are actually going to start work on a new record. We know that we just had one come out but those songs are actually about a year and a half old to us. The new stuff that we are working on at the moment is very oceanic. I'm stoked for people to hear what we are really capable of.
Jon Ableson