The Fall of Troy Release Update

"Hello everyone, we hope your holidays weren't too stressful and you got to spend as much valuable time with family and friends as we did. We have been very excited about the overwhelmingly positive response to "Phantom", we worked very hard on it and feel that it's our most mature work yet. If you haven't gotten your hands on it yet, we hope you head over to itunes and download it, and we have some plans to release it on vinyl sometime in the near future, so stay tuned for that.
We've been kinda doing our own things since returning home from the west coast tour, but finding inspiration in many things in the process. The next record, yet to be titled, is coming together very nicely and very diverse. It has elements of all of our previous ventures, as well as many new directions we're excited to explore with all of you... We feel as if at this time, it's more important to write music that will be around for maybe 5 years instead of 5 minutes. With all the 15 minutes of fame bands around capitalizing off of music's overexposed state it's pushed us to take a look at what we really want to be for ourselves, and that thing is simply to be true to ourselves and others musically...
In other news, Thomas has begun what may become some form of a solo record in later 09', but it's still just some songs with a guitar and we'll see where they end up...
Anyways, thank you all for your continued support and love, it means the world to us that so many people are so compelling at every show we play, or with every record or t-shirt we sell. We owe you our lives and we'll continue to make the most authentic and truthful music we possibly can in 2009.
Hope to see you all on the road soon!!!
Love and respect,
The Guys"