Interview: VersaEmerge

ATP: Who are you and what is your role in the band?
JP: I’m Jerry and I’m the sexy new guitarist.
ATP: Give us a brief history of the band and how you came together? I understand you have had a few line-up changes.
JP: Blake and Anthony have been playing in bands together for forever so they kind of found the rest of us while doing that. There have definitely been a few member exchanges since the band was first formed but we’re pretty confident/happy about the line-up now.
ATP: You haven’t always had a female front man, why decide to add Sierra to the line-up?
JP: Sierra just rocks- there is no reason to not want her in your band.
ATP: For those who haven’t heard of you before, describe your band?
JP: Someone once told me that we sound like a mixture between Fergie and Jesus but I’ve never actually heard Fergie sing so I can neither confirm nor deny that. Blake sometimes uses the word “cinematic” which seems to fit pretty well.
ATP: What inspires you?
JP: Lots of things inspire me personally; I look for inspiration in absolutely everything.
ATP: You probably have been asked this dozens of times but what is the story behind the name VersaEmerge?
JP: Scholars maintain that the translation was lost long, long ago. They’re wrong though- the name is a mix between the word “versa” from the phrase “vice-versa” and the word “emerge”.
ATP: So a lot has happened in the last year for you?
JP: Definitely, I’ve been in the band for 6 months now and it’s been insanely exciting to always have something new happening. I don’t remember the last time I was bored which is really nice but sometimes it’s hard to find time to loaf.
ATP: Now it’s a new year and you are now with Fueled By Ramen. How did that happen?
JP: There were a few label offers that were being tossed around- FBR just seemed like the best fit. We’re really happy with the way the label situation turned out. Everyone at FBR has been awesome.
ATP: You must be pretty happy to be on a label with so many great bands?
JP: It’s really cool to be on a label full of bands that have been on my ipod since I was little. Sometimes it can be overwhelming (in a good way)- I have to pinch myself once in a while.
ATP: Your new self-titled EP is to be released. Tell us about that?
JP: We worked with James Paul Wisner, which was great. He worked his magic and we’re all stoked on the way everything came out. We’re releasing on Feb 3rd bllllllat.
ATP: Can we expect a full-length in the near future?
JP: Most assuredly.
ATP: Like a lot of bands, you are constantly out on the road. How has it been adapting to touring for a relative young band like yours?
JP: It’s been pretty seamless I’d say. Once you get used to not sleeping as much/well it’s easy. Other than that, touring is largely coffee, Subway, gas stations and rocking out- the same stuff that happens at home.
ATP: Any funny tour stories or pranks?
JP: We put conditioner on Conditions’ van, that was pretty funny if you’re into irony. And one time I went into a gas station at 1am in my underpants.
ATP: You have 2 tours announced. The first being with We The Kings, The Maine, The Cab and There For Tomorrow. Then you’re off out on the road with Craig Owens, Ace Enders and The Color Fred. I bet you’re pretty excited to be playing with so many good acts?
JP: I’m so excited. Again, all bands that I look up to.
ATP: Have you toured or played with any of them before?
JP: There For Tomorrow are our home boys. Other than that, it will be our first time with everyone.
ATP: Any plans to cross the pond and come over to the UK?
JP: Yep. There are several ideas in the works, all of which I’m excited for. I’ve never been “across the pond” so I’m pretty pumped.
ATP: Anything else you would like to say?
JP: I’d like to say that everyone should buy our record on February 3rd and that I’m hungry.
VersaEmerge's self-titled EP is available through Fueled By Ramen on February 3rd.
More details can be found on the bands myspace.