Alter The Press!


Brokencyde reveal album title and respond to comments

Brokencyde have announced the title for their debut record “I’m Not A Fan But The Kids Like It,” which is released June 16, 2009 on BreakSilence Records.

Member Mikl made the following statement:

"The title of the record comes from when we performed at a show and at the end of the night the promoter said, 'I'm not fan of your music but I guess the kids like it.' So we look at the title as an inside joke. We might have a lot of people that don't like our music, but for everyone that isn't a fan we have just as many that love the band and the music and those people are the reason we do what we do."

Mikl went on to respond to Senses Fail vocalist Buddy Nielson's recent comments, who criticised the band as of recent:

"We wanted to send a special thank you to Buddy Nielson of Senses Fail for all the kind words he has been saying about Brokencyde on stage every night and in the press. It’s kind of funny to hear his recent comments about us considering we’re on tour with his band and helping them sell out venues in every city across the US. Thanks Buddy! We're extremely flattered that our music has the kind of impact on people that would move them on this big of a scale. There are so many bands in the scene right now that fly totally under the radar and blend in. Our goal from day one with this band has been to create something original and not look and sound like anyone or anything else."

Brokencyde are set to tour the UK this June.

Alter The Press!