Alter The Press!


Paramore Update

Paramore have given a small update on their new album.

"helloooo dear friends

welp! we're a week into tracking this record. tonight we finished the 4th song and zac tracked drums to the 5th... so things are moving really quickly. we're actually doing a song at a time, which we've never done before. i really like how it's coming together. it's nice to be able to start a song and focus on it all the way through until it's complete. or at least 95%.

without making this into some kind of unofficial press release... i'm so excited about the songs we have. i can't wait to tour with them... for you guys to hear. i was really nervous for a long time about what songs we'd write and how we'd come across this time around... but now listening back to what we've gotten done, my worries are gone. it feels great to really love what we're doing.

brandon (the genius behind the "fourth meal" videos) is coming back out this week. he'll be filming all kinda stuff and eventually posting things for you guys and specifically for fan club members. brandon rules, doesn't he?! i'm stoked for him to hang with us. what a salty fellow.

oh my goodness, i'm so tired. i can't keep my eyes open. i better get some sleep.
thanks for reading. it was good to see a few of you at the show the other night... miss seeing your faces while on tour! .... okay really, i just dozed off.... goodnight neverland!


Alter The Press!