New The Almost Album Update

"hey i'm not really supposed to talk about john mayer anymore, but it feels strange not talking about him at the beginning of my blogage, i guess repetition creates habit, and habit creates routine and i suppose routine maybe creates madness i dunno, whatcha think?
anyway, we are done, we finished our new record. my mind is blown that we made it through it. it was fun alot, not fun alot, scary alot, emtional a bit and to be honest kinda hard.
i feel like in this life we meet people we are supposed to do things with and the band that we have here i feel that way about, they truly came wrote killer tracks and were just generally amazing to be stuck in the woods with for two months.
i know from experience things sometimes seem as if there is no end, they take on strange reality and drag life down till it feels like it isnt life anymore, it just feels repetitive, stale, converged with a monster maybe?
i've learned if we keep our God given passions for life, for truth, for peace and mercy, for joy it heals all thing it makes it right.
thanks for reading these thing thanks for watching stickam... we have a new record coming out in a few months, keep your eyes peeled.
love each other, hope is real,