Alter The Press!


Brighten Update

Brighten have posted the following update:

hey guys!

over the next month or so we will be updating with a lot of content! we want to fill you in on what our time in the studio was like and a lot of what went on. we also want to know if you guys would like to do stickam chats or interviews or whatever. please let us know! if you have any requests from us, please tell us! we may even put up a new song or two :)

the EP is almost done. we had some set backs that pushed it back from the original date to ... well to now. there is no OFFICIAL release date but it will be this year either next month or early December for sure.

so anyway, let us know what you want from us! more blogs? interviews? videos?
xbox live game? the songs will be posted ASAP! we can't wait to show you what we've been working on.
and again, very sorry for the delay.

we love all of you.
and if you didn't see before, Early Love is back up on iTunes
right HERE !
and its only $6.93, too. that's less than a #9 at taco bell. and ours is healthier, too.

Alter The Press!