Evita Split Up

Messege from the band:
"e are sad to announce that Evita has come to an end.
We understand this will come as a shock to many people, but we feel that disbanding was a decision we had to make.
We still remain very good friends but various commitments made it impossible for us to devote as much time to the band as we would like.
In the three years since we formed, we have had many member changes and we felt that the final line up was one we could not change, with every member of the band was vital to it functioning successfully. This band was formed by Aaron and a group of friends as a hobby aged just 17, and we did not expect to ever do any of the things we did, such as playing shows in other countries and appearing in Magazines. We're so proud of everything we accomplished, however for the band to progress all of it's members needed to be 100% committed, and this was not possible with university and job commitments as well as other musical projects taking priority in our personal lives.
We felt that we were able to produce music we loved and were passionate about, perform shows we were proud of and do it with our best friends, and to have shared it with thousands of people across the UK and Europe is the best feeling we could have ever had.
Our debut album 'Minutes and Miles' is still available through Basick Records so please buy it as they will NEVER be printed again.
We will be playing our LAST EVER SHOW in our hometown of Bristol on Friday October 30th at the Croft. It’s Hallowe’en so we’ll all be in fancy dress so come check it out! - Spookyfest Facebook Group."