Good Charlotte Studio Update + Cover Song

"Just checking in from Studio, well home, but Been hard at work and haven't checked in as much as i should. Sorry about that, I have been trying to twitter a lot(@benjaminmadden if you were wondering). Anyways,the good news is "Cardiology" is almost done, we are working on mostly vocals now and it is all coming together really well. I have never been this proud of a record. If I could describe it I would have to say it's just a more mature version of our self titled album... really simple production, just all about the songs and the lyrics. There will definitely be some suprise's though, wouldn't be a GC record if there weren't right?\
There are some songs I am just dying for you guys to hear. Really hoping you will like them...more then any record. This one is gonna be a fun one to tour. The songs are really personal and i just think the GC Family Bond between Us and all of you guys is just gonna get stronger and stronger. We can't wait. I definitely had you guys in mind when i was writing some of the lyrics, kind of the best way i know how to say things to you, really say things. It can be awkward getting too emo or sentimental in a blog. Gotta save that for the songs, so don't worry it's coming your way:)"
To see the rest of the entry as well as Madden's cover of Better Run by Army Of Me, click HERE.
Benji Madden,
Good Charlotte,
new album,
studio blog