Chad Gilbert To Have Thyroid Surgery

Gilbert made the following statement:
"Two weeks ago when I went to the Doctor with pneumonia.. they found some nodules in my thyroid , and one of them is a little bigger then a quarter. They did a biopsy and the report came back that there are some suspicious cells in the cyst. So due to the size and to be safe, Today at 2:45 I am having surgery and getting half of my thyroid removed. Immediately after removing it they will observe it and see if it looks like a cancer. If they find anything they will remove the rest of my thyroid. The odds are in my favor for it to be nothing which keeps me positive going in… I am only planning on missing the first three shows of this tour, and my good friend Anthony Raneri from the band BAYSIDE will be filling in for me until i make it back out. Thanks again for all the love and support and I hope to see you all super soon.
Love Always,
Chad Gilbert aka :@xchadballx,Captain Straight Edge,chad hulud etc."
Anthony Raneri of Bayside will be filling in for Chad temporarily.