Album Review: Go-X - Postal

Go-X are a band that rely on energy, pace and action and bass, a lot of bass. Opener ‘Fake.New’ and third song ‘Thank You For Using The Postal service’ are led in the verses by a heavy bass line before launching into two absolutely great choruses. ‘Fake.New’ has a chorus worthy of pretty much any band out there, seemingly drawing influences from When Reason Sleeps, the way the chorus is sung is uncanny in its similarity.
Second song ‘IDDQD’ unfortunately is fairly forgettable, but really that’s a compliment to the rest of the EP. The chorus sort of reaches the standard expected, but other than that, the song goes nowhere. Thankfully the standard is picked up immediately with ‘Thank You For Using The Postal service’ which is different to what’s been on offer so far, as mentioned, it is led heavily by bass and the style of music turns from full on alternative rock to something resembling a mixture of Ska and Punk. It’s interesting and certainly holds your attention.
‘The Australian’ is left to close the EP and good God, what a song to end it on. Easily the best song on the EP, the vocals are emphatic and the chorus is huge. It’s a song that could easily be seen in today’s mainstream.
I do worry however that Go-X may be left behind. This sort of music is starting to make the headlines in the form of the likes of Young Guns and Blitz Kids whose popularity is rising with pace. Go-X have a bit of catching up to do.
'Postal' by Go-X is available now.
Chris Marshman