Album Review: The Big Big Bucks - Crucial Schmooze

It’s a shame because The Big Big Bucks have occasional moments of intrigue: the all too short ‘Do it or Diet’ combines a more refined vocal delivery with a strong lyrical theme. The noteable absence of distorted vocals and dirty synths in the song comes as a welcome break to the often overwhelming intensity of the rest of the record. As is consistent with the album as a whole, the hooks are moderate at best, but the more relaxed approach establishes a groove which most of the album lacks and which they only briefly regain on ‘Two for You’. As a result, the garage-grunge sensibilities of 'Crucial Schmooze' are initially appealing but wear thin very quickly. They certainly carry an element of integrity, but they lack musical depth through their monotonous vocals and instrumentation. For some, this may be their appeal. To everyone else, it's just a lot of noise.
'Crucial Schmooze' by The Big Big Bucks is available now on Static Eye Records.
The Big Big Bucks on MySpace
Alexander Howick