Album Review: Call Me Ishmael - Game of King

The first thing I noticed is how much the title track, 'I Am Stop', sounds within the realms of Biffy Clyro, but it could just be the Scottish accent. The track kicks off with some great, if not metaphorical lyrics (I am stop/you are go), with well thought out parts, a stupidly simple sing-a-long chorus and rapid drumming. 'Blood And Ashes' is an emotional number with perfect dynamic range, going from hushed verses and powerful choruses, allowing for the vocalist to show off his talent, going from the soft Scottish twang to aggressive shouting.
'We Are So Far From Daylight...' changes things around, slowing it down a bit, but still has a very big feel to it, bringing in features of post-rock to the mix. The stop/start sections leave you waiting for more, before going back into the emotive vocals, with added piano embellishments working in perfect harmony with everything else.
The EP ends with a beautifully child-like melodic slow number, which can sometimes be a great thing or seem a bit of a cop out when there is only 4 tracks. Luckily this is an ace number, with some awesome harmonic guitar work, picking up pace towards the end, before crashing back into the sound you've grown to love since the start of things.
'Game of King' by Call Me Ishmael is available now.
Call Me Ishmael on MySpace and Facebook
Mark Allen