Alter The Press!


Valencia US December Shows

Valencia have announced a string of US East Coast dates this December:

"People of the Midwest and northeastern part of these United States,


We will be playing a week of shows in December with our new friends Automatic Loveletter, our soon to be friends Mercy Mercedes, and a special hometown show with our best friends Hit the Lights also on the bill! Check out the dates below, we will have all the info for you when tickets are on sale!

12/14 - Magic Stick - Detroit, MI
12/15 - Grog Shop - Cleveland, OH
12/16 - Eldolyn Terrace - Altoona, PA
12/17 - The Trocadero - Philadelphia, PA
12/18 - The Palladium - Worcester, MA
12/19 - Highline Ballroom - New York, NY

Winter cold never felt so good!"

Alter The Press!