VersaEmerge Respond To The Dangerous Summer Dropping Off US Tour

Sierra's statement can be read by clicking read more.
"Now about the dangerous summer situation. There has been tension between some of the bands on this tour for Multiple reasons. Some people did not show any tour etiquette, were disrespectful & made comments that were uncalled for. As an opening band on a tour you dont have any special privileges and if your set has to get cut short by one song then that’s how it goes. It’s not personal. We have opened up on many tours and knew our place as an opening band, when our set was cut we did not complain, we never acted pissed off, we never made rude comments to the headlining band who brought us out on the tour in the first place. we simply did our jobs and appreciated the fact that Everything is a building process and you do what you gotta do. As a result of being a well behaved opening band who has had their set cut plenty of times, played while doors were opening, driven bus routes in a van countless nights, and had a small pay on top of all of it, we are now on our own headlining tour and we expect to receive the same respect that we have shown. If devin was going to throw a bottle at someone then he would have hit them with it. It’s come to our attention that This is not the first time someone has gotten into a fight with a certain person in the dangerous summer. Versaemerge on the other hand has never had a quarrel with any other bands. And when I speak of dangerous summer, I absolutely do not include all of them. In fact I love those guys, I spent time With them everyday, had a lot of great moments on this tour and I think they’re a talented band. But it’s unfortunate that That some of them seem to not get along very well. We do not plan to stay on this topic. It’s over, they decided to leave the tour and we are moving on. We wish them the best of luck."