Alter The Press!


The Auteur Split Up

The Auteur have announced they are splitting up.

However the band have made some pre-production demos available to download for free here.

The band released the following message:

"Firstly, we’d like to apologise for our absence for the past few months, or half a year, which ever way you’d prefer to look at it. 2010 hasn’t worked out like we had planned but that hasn’t stopped us working hard and from trying to achieve what we ultimately want. We’ve decided that its best to put everything we have done since starting this band behind us. The music we wrote had so much passion and drive but after a while, the whole process started to feel very contrived and it was like we were turning into something that we didn’t want to be. We’ve come to the decision that a fresh start is what we need in order to continue forward. I wouldn’t say ‘The Auteur is dead’ because that seems like such a strong, underlining statement but I don’t know any other way to put it. All four of us will still be playing music together, and we’ll most likely see you very soon at your local shithole venue, but we will not be persuing anything to do with The Auteur.

Some of you may or may not know that we’ve been spending this summer writing an album. There are many reasons why it will never be complete, most which are out of our control. Despite the slow demise of the band, we’re still very proud of the songs we wrote for the album and since it won’t be released, we thought we’d give you the choice to download a select few of the best and favourite home recordings and demos that were planned for the album, just so it feels like the whole summer wasn’t a complete waste. The download link is at the end of this blog.
We’d like to thank everyone who has made this the best couple of years of our lives. Thanks to anyone who has bought the shit we sell, come see us play, let us sleep on your floor, clicked on our website to listen to our music, told your friends about us, or simply, cared. Without you it would have been pretty boring and we’d probably have wanted to kill ourselves.

Just to clarify, this is far from the end from us four playing music together. It may be the end of a chapter but the beginning of a really exciting one.

Joolz, Alex, Kerry & Kev"

Alter The Press!