Frank Turner Cancels Tonight's Exeter Show

Turner posted the following blog:
"Well shit. I’ve had a great run of luck recently, arguably the last few years, and I’m grateful for it. And while I’m having this bitch and moan, please don’t think I’m being unappreciative of my fortune or the support people show me. But hopefully you’ll forgive me for thinking that I’ve pissed off some deity or other recently, because my run of luck on this tour has not been spectacular.
After two shows of battling voice problems and general cold-induced sickness, I feel like a pile of arse today and the doctor says no shows for me. So with a heavy heart I have to regretfully announce that today’s show in Exeter at the Lemon Grove is being postponed. Fucking fuck fuck. Massive apologies to everyone, it really breaks my heart when this shit happens. We are going to reschedule the show ASAP and all tickets will still be valid, so please hang onto them. We’ll be announcing the new date as soon as is humanly possible.
I’ve now got 2 days laid up pumping myself full of fruit, water and sleep, so all being well the shows in Leicester, Liverpool and London are all still 100% on. Sorry everyone, I hate letting people down."