Single Review Round-Up: Mojo Fury and Pendulum

'Colour Of The Bear' is released as a digital download on February 13th.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I pretty much find this song awful, pro tip, getting a singer that can sing is a great start, as is writing lyrics that aren’t absolutely terrible, I guess the only redeeming part of the song is the chorus, if you can block out the lyrics and appreciate the music then it’s pretty decent.
I haven’t check out Mojo Fury before, and judging on this effort I’ll probably try my best not to again.

'Crush' by Pendulum is available now.
I’m not sure I can say much about Pendulum without repeating pretty much what everyone that listens to them already knows, “Crush” is pretty standard Pendulum fare, with their own brand of Electronic Rock/Drum and Bass delivering a good verse and an atmospheric chorus, if you’re already a fan of this band, you’ll love it, if you’re not, don’t expect your opinion to change on this outing.
Chris Marshman