Exclusive Tour Blog: Starters (Day 3 - 5)

Throughout the tour, Starters will be writing exclusive updates from the tour especially for Alter The Press!
Bassist Ian Kelly has checked in with an update of events over the past three days.
February 19th - Kingston
We rolled out of Newport kinda early because we had to make it to Kingston for the instore at Banquet. Traffic coming into Kingston was such bullshit but we made it on time! We loaded in while Such Gold and Koji went down to Banquet for the instore. We got to hang with our friends Zach and Lottie which was great cause we don't see them as much as we would like.
The show was rad. All the bands were seriously incredible. You have no idea how much better seeing Koji every night makes your life. I can't help but feel instantly positive about the world! Add Such Gold to the mix and I can honestly say I have never been more happy to be on tour. Our Time Down Here also played tonight and they were so awesome. Such nice guys as well. The turnout was awesome and kids were having a great time. I love Kingston! After the show we went back to Zachs and I schooled him at FIFA. After some chats with Koji, I hit the hay and woke up with a cat standing on my face! Good times!
February 20th - Nottingham
The drive up to Nottingham was pretty uneventful. I keep hoping I will see some mad celebrity at a services or something. I saw Hannah from S Club 7 once haha. We are listening to the evolution of a cro-magnon audio book by John Joseph in the van and it is incredible!
We pulled up to the Old Angel at about 4 and loaded in. Lots of pool was played! I wanna say either Bentley or RJ are the best players! Our friend Robb and his Girlfriend Sarah came down to hangout! Directions opened the show tonight. I had been looking forward to seeing them for a while and they did not disappoint. Our Time Down Here played again tonight and killed it all over again. Excited to see them again in Southampton.
Foxy just told me that he saw Sherwood Forest but I was riding in the Such Gold van and missed it. I had lots of fun when we played! Koji played such a great set, its amazing that he can keep a room so silent. Such Gold killed it again; kids were going insane. There was a house show afterwards that I heard was insane. I missed it cause I was catching up with my friend Robb. Koji played for an hour. Ben did a set and Foxy played 'Hands Down' by Dashboard Confessional for the ladies. Awesome night and the best show of tour so far.
February 21st - Leeds
We were up crazy early for no real reason and we wandered the streets in search of breakfast. We eventually landed in a pub called the Lord Robert. 2nd best breakfast of tour. The best being in Kingston. The drive to Leeds was hella short so we arrived at the venue early. We played a bunch of pool and Hubbard won a Winnie the Pooh teddy bear from one of those machines! It was incredible!
The Lock and Keys opened and they ruled. Its awesome that I'm getting to check out so many new bands on this tour. I didn't love our set but what can you do. The sound was so bad and it was really hard to hear anything but it was still cool. Koji ruled and played a couple of songs he had yet to play so far on this tour, so that was cool. Such Gold were the best again. Koji did a song with them and it was so class. After we loaded out we were all just standing around and there was a really drunk older guy trying to hug everyone. He decided I was his next victim and chased me halfway down the road. It was terrifying! After my ordeal I treated myself to a Moro bar in honour of my friend Ciaran from Cali. I'm going to sleep now.
Starters continue their UK and European tour tonight in Manchester.
22nd - Retro Bar, Manchester*
23rd - 13th Note, Glasgow
24th - The Marquee, Norwich*
25th - The Parish, Huddersfield*
26th - The Macbeth, London*
27th - Unit Club, Southampton* Note: Change of venue/location.
28th - Harris Hall, Andover*
1st - Innocent, Hengelo, Holland
2nd - Roots Club, Moenchengladbach
3rd - The Chillout, Hochst, Austria
4th - TBC, Regensberg
5th - TBC, Hannover
6th - TBC, High Wycombe (w/ Hostage Calm, Basement + Daylight)
7th - The White Rabbit Plymouth
8th - Soundhouse, Northampton
9th - Wagon and Horses, Birmingham
10th - TBC, Galway
11th - Pop Punk Still Lives #2 - The Pint, Dublin
*Denotes Koji as support
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