Album Review: A Shipwreck A Castaway - Life In General

Opening in a brash manner with 'I've Got A Bad Feeling About This'; an energetic number with the bands use of duel-vocals coming off well. Whilst the hooky chorus shows the bands favorable pop-punk side, whilst musically the band come across more fierce with hard hitting drums.
'I Love You, I Know' keeps up the pace with gang vocals and chugging guitar riffs, whilst the subtle pop-punk style holds it all together. Whereas 'I Love You, I Know' sees the band leaning towards their heavier with stringent guitar riffs dominating at times, and pounding drums in the middle adds to the bands dense sound.
'More Machine Than Man' highlights Jacob Stilwell's vocal talents, as he holds together as the band storm their way through a tight number that sees the bands align the balance between hardcore and pop-punk ideally. The concluding 'Set Blasters...' rounds off the EP and continues the consistency of the bands style, although if you're liking the band by now, you're probably won't be listening by this point.
Nevertheless 'Life In General' is a strong debut effort from A Shipwreck A Castaway. Whilst the bands chosen mix of genres is becoming more popular, ASAC pull off the style well and continuously manage to get the right balance. Whilst the occasional track or so let the EP down, there is still plenty hear to get you interested in the band and there is potential for ASAC to grow here. I just hope for the bands sake they don't come a common Hardcore-meet-Pop-Punk cliche and quickly be forgotten about.
'Life In General' by A Shipwreck A Castaway is available now through Anchor Eighty Four Records.
Order 'Life In General' through Anchor Eighty Four Records here.
A Shipwreck A Castaway on MySpace, Facebook and Twitter.
Sean Reid