Alter The Press!


Disconnect Disconnect Records To Donate Proceeds To British Red Cross' Japan Tsunami Appeal

Disconnect Disconnet Records are raising money for the British Red Cross' Japan Tsunami Appeal by giving 25% of proceeds from its webstore over the next few weeks.

The label gave the following message:

"Hi All,

I'm sure you all know and have been upset at the devastating earthquake and tsunami which has hit Japan and many other areas a few days ago. Seeing complete communities, towns and cities destroyed in a moment is totally shocking and very sad to see.

To try and raise some money for the appeal, I will be donating (at least) 25% of all proceeds from the Disconnect Disconnect Records webstore over the next couple of weeks to the British Red Cross to help support their efforts in providing aid to this area.

If you are interested in checking out some new bands and giving something to charity, please check out and our homepage at

You can get news on what the Red Cross is doing to help the appeal by visiting

Many Thanks

Disconnect Disconnect Records"

Alter The Press!