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ATP! Weekly Recommendations (September 30th)

This week's picks from the ATP! team include tracks from States, Kevin Devine, Fireworks, BANE and more.

Jon Ableson

States - 'Timebomb'

George Gadd

Ugly Casanova - 'Hotcha Girls'

Connor O'Brien

Kevin Devine - 'I Used To Be Someone'

Chris Marshman

The Tower and The Fool - 'Fade Away'

Chantelle 'Kiki' Goodchild

BANE - 'Release The Hounds'

James Barclez-Lewis

Talons - 'Iris'

Nick Worpole

Edward Strickson

George Hrab - 'Out Of My Mind'

Nick Robbins

Fireworks - 'Life Is Killing Me'

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