Album Review: LIGHTS - Siberia

Stepping back from the perfectionist attitude that spread across LIGHTS’ previous release and under the influence of the love/hate abstractness of the cynically viewed dubstep genre, LIGHTS once again began jamming with Graham Walsh and Brian Borcherdt, and the resulting became 'Siberia', much easier on the tongue than the fast food meatloaf she was treated to in June.
LIGHTS may have the perfect voice for the electro-pop genre, sitting pretty alongside her multiple synthesizers much more comfortably than artists such as Owl City. Opening track ‘Siberia’ demonstrates this pretty well, with her vocals working enigmatically alongside even the dubstep inspired bridge, a feat that would earn a raised eyebrow from someone not hearing it firsthand and one that is repeated in the chorus of ‘Where The Fence Is Low’ for a very aesthetically pleasing result. LIGHTS Poxleitner has certainly made dubstep influences pleasing to the ear if not having stumbled upon the style’s true potential.
First single ‘Toes’ is a pretty standard electro-pop anthem, its catchy chorus and exploitation of LIGHTS' best musical assets as well as its use of siren-esque synthesisers and hip-hop drum beats combine to create a track that’s both a simple and inspiring choice to pull you into this fascinating album.
That party mood is dropped dramatically in ‘Cactus In The Valley’, a heartbreaking electro-ballad that sees LIGHTS’ beautiful voice punching your heart in its face (if it had one), it’s a truly moving moment that’s quiet synth backdrop enhances incredibly, the 21st century’s equivalent of strings is just as effective at opening your tear ducts and if any proof is needed, well, listen to this track.
The latter half of the album in general has a much more touching quality to it, a fun yet moving set of synthetic symphonies that complete the record in the perfect fashion.
Anyone who can come out of a life traveling around the world with missionaries, integrating the challenging genre of dubstep into their music, survive Epic Meal Time and still remain as relevant, as catchy and as moving as ever deserves recognition and Lights has certainly earned that with ‘Siberia’.
'Siberia' is out now.
Edward Strickson