Albums That Changed My Life: LIGHTS

With the recent release of her stunning new album, 'Siberia', we couldn't think of a better time to ask her to be a part of our weekly "Albums That Changed My Life" feature.

Joshua Tree is a nearly perfect example of a timeless record. Even today these songs stand true and relevant, lyrically, musically and production-wise. These are all goals of any musician that wants longevity as an artist. It's a hard thing to achieve but, in my opinion, is the marking of a great piece of art. This album came out the year I was born, there are photos of me at age one sitting on the vinyl. It has literally been with me my whole life. It features one of the first songs I remember being moved by, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For".
Bjork - Homogenic
I met my manager, Jian Ghomeshi, when I was fifteen. He saw what I had to offer artistically and took me under his wing to help me grow and mature as an artist. I remember not long after we first met, sitting on the floor in his living room and him showing me "Homogenic". It was so cool, the sounds and the way she expressed her words and ideas. From then on she was an inspiration to my sense of creativity. I think "Joga" is one of the greatest songs ever written.
Supertramp - Breakfast In America
I have fond memories of riding in the car with just my dad and talking about music and song structure, or just plain singing our hearts out. We've been doing this for as long as I've had a voice. One record we often listened to was "Breakfast in America". The song writing on this album is ace. We would sit there on long trips and just parse and praise the songs. There were so many different parts and melodies and sections, it was like an adventure. It made me want to emulate that sense of freedom mixed with creativity, yet still structured and very much pop.
Joni Mitchell - Clouds
When I was seventeen I signed a publishing deal with Sony/ATV. The folks there really took me in and for the first couple of years helped me hone my song writing skills. We had many talks about what a good song is, and what elements are used to make it what it is. One of the songs they showed me was "Both Sides Now" by Joni Mitchell. Imagery, honesty and coherence in one touching package. This was pop at its realest. She became a great, raw song writing example for me.

I met my manager, Jian Ghomeshi, when I was fifteen. He saw what I had to offer artistically and took me under his wing to help me grow and mature as an artist. I remember not long after we first met, sitting on the floor in his living room and him showing me "Homogenic". It was so cool, the sounds and the way she expressed her words and ideas. From then on she was an inspiration to my sense of creativity. I think "Joga" is one of the greatest songs ever written.

I have fond memories of riding in the car with just my dad and talking about music and song structure, or just plain singing our hearts out. We've been doing this for as long as I've had a voice. One record we often listened to was "Breakfast in America". The song writing on this album is ace. We would sit there on long trips and just parse and praise the songs. There were so many different parts and melodies and sections, it was like an adventure. It made me want to emulate that sense of freedom mixed with creativity, yet still structured and very much pop.

When I was seventeen I signed a publishing deal with Sony/ATV. The folks there really took me in and for the first couple of years helped me hone my song writing skills. We had many talks about what a good song is, and what elements are used to make it what it is. One of the songs they showed me was "Both Sides Now" by Joni Mitchell. Imagery, honesty and coherence in one touching package. This was pop at its realest. She became a great, raw song writing example for me.