Albums That Changed My Life: Mindy White (States)

We put the question to Mindy and this is what she came back with...

This record was the soundtrack to my entire high school life. Anytime I listen to it, which is still all the time, I feel 16 again. Jesse Lacey's lyrics are so clever and moody. I still have the actual CD I first bought! I'm surprised it even plays, haha.

I can't say enough how much I love this record. It's easily the most played record I own. The first time I heard "Yellow" I was hooked. Chris Martin's voice is like pure sugar, and as amazing as it is, the music is right there with it. I love that neither overpower each other. They're my favorite band ever!

I found My Chem while in high school as well. They have some of the best moody/fun songs to sing along to ever. I adored their first record "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" before it, but "Helena" is probably my favorite of all. I love how they have their own style and give you this whole dark-Halloween feel. Plus, Gerard is such a rad frontman.

Let's be honest... I grew up on classic rock, country, pop, and alternative rock, but for a while there, I couldn't get enough pop music and I'll always have a love for it. The first time that I saw "Tearing Up My Heart" video on MTV I about lost my mind. I don't care what anyone says, Justin Timberlake's voice is so unique & perfect. Also helps that he's a total babe and can dance his way into another freakin' galaxy.