Alter The Press!


We Are The In Crowd Cancel San Diego Show Tonight Due To Illness

We Are The In Crowd have been forced to cancel their set in San Diego tonight (November 3rd) due to singer Tay Jardine being sick.

Jardine made the following statement:

"Unfortunately we have to cancel our set tonight. I’ve done everything I could to try to get rid of this cold or whatever it is, but last night I pushed too far. I will be seeing a doctor tomorrow and will hopefully be back on my feet (well foot) in no time!

We will still be at the show hanging at merch! Make sure you come say hi :)

Once again, I’m really sorry about this. I know it’s been a while since we’ve been here, but between my bum leg and being this sick. I’m physically drained. We hope you understand

Xoxo Tay"

Alter The Press!