ATP! Studio Blog: Cassadee Pope (Part One)

Alter The Press had teamed up with Cassadee, where she will be reporting in with regular blogs and giving fans an update of what is happening from the studio.
Cassadee Pope: Hey guys! It has been an eventful journey for me since I decided to go solo back in January. I moved to LA, kept writing my ass off, met a ton of amazing new people, and really had some time to reflect on what I wanted. And the answer became more clear as time went on. I just want to release my music. Some of these songs have been in my back pocket for about a year. So you could imagine how anxious I am to have you all hear them! I know I've said in recent interviews that I want to come out with a debut full length, not an EP. But I've decided to do an EP because those are just cards I've been dealt. There is no label involved, or management, so it all relies on me. Which has been the most exhilarating and fulfilling experience. I do plan on releasing an EP every few months because I have a lot of material I want to show you! I've been lucky enough to have met the producers, Jason Gavi and Andrew Dixon a few weeks back while co-writing. We work extremely well together, and wrote one of my favorite songs I've ever written. So of course when I came up with the plan to record an EP, they were the first ones to pop into my head. We met up at a Coffee Bean (I was pulling for Starbucks but Gavi refused), talked it through and they were totally on board. We've had 3 days in the studio so far and the songs are sounding incredible. Naturally, I got sick the 2nd day in, so no vocals have been recorded yet. But we're taking care of everything else before I need to sing. I've been running a live stream on Stickam so I can keep the fans involved in every step. it's so amazing to see everyones excitement and support. it means the world to me. We have today off, some I'm focusing on getting better and resting. My mom and sister are actually flying in today, so expect to see them on Stickam tomorrow! Stay tuned for more updates, and don't forget to join me on
Thanks to Alter The Press! for the continued support, and to you guys for believing in me. <3