Alter The Press!


The Maine To Release New Music Soon

Drummer Pat Kirch of The Maine has announced that fans can expect new songs from the band in the near foreseeable future.

Kirch posted the following message:

"Need sleep in Brisbane.

Manila was amazing. Such a cool way to kick off the Pioneer world tour. Now we are in Brisbane getting ready to start the tour with New Found Glory and Taking Back Sunday. I have been in more airports in the past week than I can count it is pretty insane I would have never thought I would be doing this. I feel like I am not really on a time zone I am just barley awake at all times. Besides that it has been a blast and I cant wait to keep playings shows we have a lot coming up over the next few months. Gonna be a long one.
Excited to go explore the town a little tomorrow and get into some trouble.
New musical recordings coming your way soon. Just heard the final mix tonight. It is a fun one.
See you in hell


Alter The Press!