Albums That Changed My Life: Shaant Hacikyan (Cute Is What We Aim For)

The band will be heading out on tour across North America with Allstar Weekend starting this month. All dates and ticket information can be found here.

This was the first album that I bought. I'll never forget listening to it on an old portable CD player that would skip when the wind would blow too hard. It was the first time I ever picked up a pen to try and express my feelings, I was eight.

Everything about this record did it for me. I first heard this when I was a Junior in high school. It challenged me to comprehend what he was saying and how he was saying it, It didn't matter that he missed notes, you felt the flaws and that was more than okay. It made me re-evaluate my own writing style and take chances that I didn't know existed. His willingness and ability to step outside of himself showed me that I to could use fiction or draw from experiences of those around me and not feel forced when doing so.

Nothing I write here will do justice to the impact that each note and every syllable had on me. It changed my world in the best of ways.

I bought this record 6 different times because I kept giving it away with hopes of turning people into fans of this band. Kenny [Vasoli, vocals/guitar] being so young at the time really furthered my belief that dreams can come true if you work hard enough and rarely take no for an answer.