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Simple Plan To Start Writing New Album After Summer Tour

Simple Plan have revealed in a new interview they will start writing their new album following their upcoming shows lined up this summer.

You can watch the interview in its entirety, as well as a French translation of what the band had to say by clicking read more.

"Interviewer: What’s the next step for SP?
Pierre: Vacation! Well deserved I think, we’ve been touring around the world for a year and a half, we’ve been to Asia, Australia …
Chuck: South America, Europe…
Pierre: All of that twice, so now we are resting a bit, we’ve got a few shows this summer, then we start writing for the fifth album, and then the cycle restarts. That’s how music works, it’s a cycle, we write an album, we release it, we promote it for a year and a half, we rest a bit and we take off again."

Alter The Press!