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ATP Lists: 15 Females Who Rock (International Women's Day 2013)

1. Hayley Williams (Paramore)

2. Cassadee Pope

3. Brianna Collins (Tigers Jaw)

4. Mariel Loveland (Candy Hearts)

5. Jenna McDougall (Tonight Alive)

6. Brittany Harrell (Veara)

7. Reba Meyers (Adventures/Code Orange Kids/Lilith)

8. Tay Jardine (We Are The In Crowd)

9. Sierra Kusterbeck (VersaEmerge)

10. Tegan and Sara Quin

11. Jess Bowen (The Summer Set)

12. Britty Drake (Pity Sex/Procession)


14. Mindy White (STATES)

15. Allison Weiss

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