ATP! Interview - Oh Honey

After Oh Honey got an email months back informing that their song “Be Okay” was chosen to appear on popular television series Glee, Collins and Bouchard were both ecstatic and surprised. Oh Honey, at the time, existed as a brand new band, unsigned and virtually unknown to the greater population. Growing up as a theater kid, Bouchard recalls the experience as “amazing” and credits Glee for its rendition. “Watching that on national TV and knowing millions of other people are watching it at the same time was such a crazy feeling,” she reflects, “it was awesome how quickly fans were able to connect with us.”
While on tour supporting The Fray, Oh Honey was kind enough to take some time to chat with ATP! about their adventures on the road and the growth of their band. “We got to play some venues we’ve always dreamed of playing,” says Collins, “[The Fray] are amazing people and really good guys and getting to watch them every night doesn’t hurt either.” The bandmates seek to bring high-energy performances to every stop, finding the most pleasure in playing their new songs live. Both acknowledge the significance this tour has had on building their fanbase. Bouchard asserts, “This is why we do it, because we’re able to connect with people and our music is able to impact them and that’s a really cool feeling.”
There was an enthusiastic round of agreement when I asked the band if they binged on any shows in their free time. For a moment, it almost felt as though I was speaking with old friends – the two are so charming and likable, it’s difficult not to drift off into random conversation. “I haven’t stopped watching Orange Is The New Black,” admits Bouchard, “and I finished it all within a couple days.” She continues, “Every single free moment I have, like in the dressing room before the shows and after we’re playing… So amazing.” Between Collins and Bouchard, Girls, Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks, and Nashville are among other recommendations.
When they aren’t on tour, Collins and Bouchard prefer to take advantage of what their hometown has to offer. Besides finding time to catch up with friends and family, the duo constantly continue to write and work. Collins explains how living in Brooklyn has helped them begin an already successful career together. “Brooklyn is a hub of music, it always has been… New York City especially. I mean, it’s the mecca of the world! Greatest city in the world!” Bouchard adds on, “You could walk into a random bar and find music, it’s pretty cool.”
Oh Honey is able to combine the youth found in a shot of Jameson with maturity that stretches far past their years. The band’s musical artistry comes from their roots. “I’ve had music in my life forever,” offers Collins, “My grandma is actually the one that taught me how to play.” Bouchard’s parents raised her on a combination of Fleetwood Mac and AC/DC – perhaps a contributing factor into what makes Oh Honey so unique. The duo’s zeal is remarkable. Bouchard illustrates, “I think happy songs make people feel good, and optimism makes people feel good. We enjoy writing things that leave people feeling positive. I think there’s a lot of merit in that.” As Collins would tell me, he grew up listening to “good, honest music.” It is only fitting that Oh Honey specializes in exactly that today.
Words by Laurel Weber
Oh Honey's debut EP With Love is available via iTunes.