Panic! At The Disco Responds to Westboro Baptist Church Picketing Concert

And after the organization's ludicrous song and dance, want to know how many people actually turned up? 13. Yes... only 13 people turned up to picket the concert.
Today @WBCSays is going to picket us. For every member of WBC that actually shows up we will donate $20 to @HRC #pride2014
— Panic! At The Disco (@PanicAtTheDisco) July 20, 2014
Thank you @WBCSays for the update on the total amount you donated to @HRC today. $20X13= weak. We're going to make it an even $1000.
— Panic! At The Disco (@PanicAtTheDisco) July 21, 2014
The band announced yesterday, that for every member of WBC that showed up, they were going to donate $20 to the Human Rights Campaign. Since $260 was a very low number to donate to the civil rights organization, they decided to donate $1000 as well as 5% sales of merchandise from the concert.
We will also be donating 5% of our total merch sales from this show to @HRC
— Panic! At The Disco (@PanicAtTheDisco) July 21, 2014
Panic! At The Disco are currently touring across the country on their "This Is Gospel" summer tour. Remaining dates and ticket information can be found here.