Taylor Swift Released Her First Single "Tim McGraw" Nine Years Ago

"I wrote [the song] in my freshman year of high school," 16-year-old Swift (throwback!) explained to CMT at the time. "I got the idea in math class. I was just sitting there, and I started humming this melody. I kind of related it to this situation I was in. I was dating a guy who was about to go off to college. I knew we were going to break up. So I started thinking about all the things that I knew would remind him of me. Surprisingly, the first thing that came to mind was that my favorite country artist is Tim McGraw."
In the same interview, Swift's now-well-known kindness and gratitude seriously came through. When discussing her long promo strategy for the single and her subsequent first album, Taylor Swift, she notes, "Radio tours for most artists last six weeks. Mine lasted six months. That's because I wanted it to. I wanted to meet every single one of the people that was helping me out."