Hellogoodbye Change Drummer and Plan Tour-only EP

"Update 1:
so i know lots of you have some questions about where those dudes went and i don't want you to feel slighted. we came home from tour for some SHREDDING time off and it was kind of an open door to everyone; if you didn't feel like hitting the dusty trail again next time around, no hard feelings. marcus knew he wanted to stay home full time, jesse decided he wanted to go back to school in LA, and most recently chris decided to go to college. theres definitely no hard feelings about any of it, and it was gonna happen sometime.
since chris just made the decision he wanted to write a letter so there weren't too many unanswered questions:..
"For a lot of you this is the first time hearing directly from me, but Id like to take this time to let everyone know that I will no longer be playing with hellogoodbye. It has been a long, amazing journey that has taken me all over the world. This band has given me some of the best friendships,experien ces, and accomplishments one could ever hope for. For all of this I am TRULY blessed. However, I am now at a point in my life where I want different things. New challenges and new experiences. I am going back to school to earn my degree in business. This may seem really boring, but I am very very excited to be going to school again, and cant wait to see where it takes me. God has shown me that there is more to life for me than full time music. However, this doesnt mean Im done with music. I will always be doing something, somewhere but for now I have decided that it is time for me to focus other things. With that said, I would like to sincerely thank, Dad, Mom, Shaun, my Rebecca, James, Forrest, Jesse, Marcus, Ryan, Travis, Duncan, Richard and Stephanie Reins, Matt Galle, Danny Rukasin, Chris Oconnor, Muzz and anyone who has ever supported me or hellogoodbye. You all are what have made this experience so wonderful and something I will never forget.
-Chris Profeta..
chris is an awesome dude and im sure everyone will miss him. as much as everyone will miss J, M & C, its also a happy opportunity to include some of the best dudes i know. so where does that leave us? i'll be singing and stuff, travis heade is playing bass, joe marro is shredding keys, ryan daly is playing guitar and...
AARON FLORA is gonna be back behind that kit! if you don't know aaron from this:
you might know him as our first drummer. he left the band when we signed to drive thru, did the whole college thing, got a teaching degree and has been subbing in orange county for a while. but hes taking a leave from that and will be back with us for this tour, he's an awesome awesome guy and if you never met him before i think you'll love meeting him now.
so in some ways, it is kind of a new hellogoodbye, in a really good way. its always been my personal pet project and i don't expect to ever not be doing it in some respect. i think the only functional difference will be that we probably won't play "jesse buy nothing". hellogoodbye will always be doing what they do. which at the moment is watching robocop, followed by a "girl" skate video together.
love, forrest, travis joe, ryan and aaron (otherwise currently known as hellogoodbye)"
The full update can be read here.