Bassist Leaves Houston Calls

He released a statement about his departure:
'Hello All,
As some of you may of heard I played my final show with Houston Calls last night. After playing for so many years I have had to put the band behind me and move onto something new and different. I have been in a band with Tom since May 23rd, 1996. He told me to pick up a bass and start a punk band with him. Through that came the years that ended up with Houston Calls being formed. These guys are some of my best friends and it was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make in quite some time. I have toured the world with them and gotten to do what so few actually get to. I wouldn’t change it for the world.
After years of touring something about myself changed. I used to want to be on the road 365 days a year. I guess overtime I just started to grow out of it. I have been touring since I got out of high school in the year 2000. It just started to take its toll and I didn’t find myself enjoying it like I used to. While on tour I would count how many days were left until I would be home. It just didn’t feel right anymore.
These guys are my best friends in the world and I wish them nothing but the best. I decided to leave because I didn’t want to tour anymore. There were no internal conflicts or fights that brought me to this point. It’s really about wanting to be home and establish more of a “normal” life.
I want to first thank Tom, Okie, Josh & Jose for all the years spent together. Through the good and the bad we kept it together no matter what anyone told us or how down and out we may of felt. I’d also like to thank Zach our Booking Agent, Richard & Stefanie over at Drive Thru and everyone else we have worked with over the years. Of course I need to thank anyone who ever came to a show and showed their support for our band. It’s been a pleasure getting to meet so many different people and I’m very grateful for the opportunites I have had thanks to this band. It means more to me then I can even explain.
Jarrett Seltzer'