Cartel post update

'Well, it's inauguration Tuesday so I figured I might as well clue you all in on what's happening...We should be finishing up writing in the next weeks to month. I know we've been saying that since the summer so it can sound a little old at this point but we really have been going after our best material. I think we've written or entertained the idea of about 30 songs at this point which is a lot when you consider that we wrote exactly those 12 songs as the only candidates for Chroma and everything we did for the last record ended up on the album...making a grand total (including the EP) of 34 songs we've ever we almost doubled our catalog over the last year. But, it's all been in the task of getting our absolute best for you. We don't really have any more update than that. Once we confirm a producer - we will let you know. Once we book studio time - we will let you know. As for now, we are very close. I honestly think we're only a couple songs away from everything we need to make this our best yet so I don't think this can go on much longer but it's well worth it.I'll leave any further excitement to be perpetuated by the eternal hype machine so with that I bid adieu and say good day to you!
One Love,