Punchline Lose Drummer

The band released a myspace blog about the departure:
"In very sad news, drummer PJ Caruso decided last week to leave Punchline and go his own separate way. It is going to be very hard to not look back and see him beating those drums with all his heart. We will all miss him very much, and wish him the best of luck. We are all still friends, and we're sure we'll still be seeing him every day...we just won't be playing in a band together anymore. The remaining three of us will continue to write, record, and perform music.
Jeff Kopanic (Anti-Flag Warped Tour drummer, Voice In The Wire) will be filling in at our currently scheduled performances. We are excited to play with him as he has been a good friend for a very long time.
Some have assumed that we will stop playing music as we have been "pushed aside" in the music industry and forgone several member changes over the years. Our intention has always been to write and perform music, throwing in the towel would just prove otherwise. Although it would be great, we are not interested in platinum albums or competing with the Jonas Twins. We want to continue to write and record songs that we like. We will most likely be a band for another 10 to 20 years, and most likely release another 10 to 15 albums. Music is what makes us happy, and its what we're into.
Look for Punchline on the road this spring with a new DVD and a new full length album this year.
just say yes.