Alter The Press!


Set Your Goals getting ready to record

Set Your Goals have posted an update saying that they are getting ready to start recording their forthcoming record:

'We'​ll be headi​ng down to Los Angel​es on Febru​rary 1st to begin​ recor​ding for our next relea​se,​ and we wante​d to set up somet​hing fun while​ we are in the area.​ so, on Wedne​sday,​ Febru​ary 11th we'​ll be hitti​ng The Troub​adour​ in West Holly​wood with friends Final Fight​ and Media Blitz for a speci​al one-​off show in betwe​en our studi​o sessi​ons.​ 

[We will be recording with] produ​cers Mike Green​ in Febru​ary and Barre​tt Jones​ in March​ to recor​d and compi​le songs​ for a relea​se we hope to have out for the Summe​r.​ Some excit​ing new label​ news will be annou​nced in the very near futur​e.​'

Alter The Press!