Zac Farro Joins Josh Farro's New Band - Novel American

Ward posted the following:
"We’ve got some exciting news! But first, I wanted to give you a bit of perspective in to the journey we’ve been walking out for the past few months as Novel American…
The NA guys are great friends with incredible hearts about to do great things. Unfortunately, all along the way, I found it abnormally hard to fully connect my passion to the drums and to the project. With a baby on the way, a slow attempt to redevelop my love for playing music and a schedule dominated by non-profit work that I love, bringing 100% of myself to the band wasn’t always manageable.
Throughout the process I’ve kept a conversation open with the guys about my unexplainable disconnect. And, in the end, I feel like to stay on board half-hearted is only going to hurt both them and I. So, in the very best interest of the band & my wife and I, I’ve decided to step away from Novel American and support them from a friendship level.
But the news doesn’t stop there. In fact, it’s just getting good. Turns out that the guy filling my seat happens to be an incredible drummer with an even more incredible heart. And, there’s no doubt in my mind that he is only going to benefit NA both onstage and off.
I assume some of you might have even heard his name before…
So please help me officially welcome as the new drummer of Novel American, Zac Farro!
Thanks for walking with us!
-Tyler Ward"