Alter The Press!


Album Review: Ghost Thrower - Get Miserable EP

Ghost Writer play punk music. Hailing from the fruitful land of Boston, these lads are of the "fast, hard and loud" school of thought, and released their own example of this, their EP 'Get Miserable', on April 19th. It opens with a fitting intro('Get Miserable') that serves as a beginner's manual to what's coming next: snare massacre, fast open-chord strumming, gang vocals, pace and drive. All the required elements to kick off with a bang.

'I Never Damned You' is pretty much the organic continuation of the introduction, if not improved by the constant attack of emotionally-unrestrained belting that could draw comparisons to a lighter version of Pianos Become The Teeth. The same could be said with 'For Austin' that bears all the same elements which, to some extent, does become a little repetitive at this point, as it does with following track 'Chemistry Sells'.

However, closing number 'Prima Sinatra' starts off suspiciously close to some of Brand New's 'The Devil And God' material, but still allows the band to highlight a little variety with some interesting vocal work, satisfying gradual build-ups and some effect-laden guitars. Overall, a lot of this EP is similar-sounding, and the middle-three songs could really do with a few distinguishable elements here and there to make the tracks truly stand out.


'Get Miserable' EP by Ghost Thrower is out now through Equal Vision Records.

Ghost Thrower on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr

James Berclaz-Lewis

Alter The Press!