Mike Sapone Producing Hit The Lights New Album

An update from Nick Thom can be read by clicking read more.
"So as most of you know, HTL has been in the studio for the past few weeks working diligently on our new record. This monday marks the halfway point of that goal. Being that we’re this far through it, I feel like we can reveal some details that we haven’t been clear on and maybe this will give you guys a better feel for how the new HTL record is going to sound.
The new record will be created with the help of two producers. One of those producers, who we have currently been working with, is The Machine; who has done amazing records with the likes of Lamb of God, Armor for Sleep, Four Year Strong and Boys Night out among many, MANY others. The songs we are doing with Machine will be the heavier, more rock driven side of the record. When I say “heavier”, I don’t mean breakdowns and scream, but rather a bigger, more open, epic Hit The Lights. We’ve incorporated a lot of new elements to these songs including marching band drum section, which is going to sound SIKKKK. The songs are definitely darker, but there is so much energy behind them, it’s going to give the record and edge that we haven’t had before.
The second half of the record, which will start next week, will be done with producer Mike Sapone, who has done crazy records for Brand New, Crime In Stereo and Taking Back Sunday just to name a few. The songs that we’ll be working on with Mike are totally different for HTL. They have a certain ethereal/raw/atmospheric tone that is new for us, but a logical progression for where HTL needs to go. We look forward to Mike’s take on these songs and how we’re going to work together to shape something amazing out of these ideas.
When all is said and done, the record will be mixed into one giant, cohesive batch of awesome; which will then be baked in a cake of bad-assery and frosted with the cream of fuck yeah. We’ll have the heavy, the chill, the angry and the smooth. It will be a different take on the HTL sound and the record will absolutely set itself apart from any of our previous works. I can’t wait for you guys to hear it. We’ll keep you updated."