Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy) Takes Down Infamous Troll On Twitter

You can read a portion of what Stump had to say by clicking read more.
You suck at heckling. We could start with how none of your insults have contextual substance.
— Patrick Stump (@PatrickStump) May 8, 2013
You're all shock. "AIDS." "Dead Babies." "Emo." "Eyeliner." "Kill Yourself." It's fluff. It's lazy.
— Patrick Stump (@PatrickStump) May 8, 2013
While we're on the subject of voluntary irrelevance; Trolling itself is kind of over. It's too transparently sad.
— Patrick Stump (@PatrickStump) May 8, 2013
You're just a reality star nobody's wasting the memory stick on. You went straight to washed up.
— Patrick Stump (@PatrickStump) May 8, 2013
It's like you were born a desperate heroin-addled Reno dinner theatre has-been.
— Patrick Stump (@PatrickStump) May 8, 2013
See, those are all better insults because even my insults are more dignified than you are.
— Patrick Stump (@PatrickStump) May 8, 2013