Broadway Calls Bassist/Vocalist Kicked Out

Koenig told
"Hello today, it's Matt Koenig here to break the sad sad news that i am no longer in Broadway Calls. I was asked to leave the band on the basis that I was decidedly no longer friends with the other band members, that my playing was "barely passable" and my "lack of song writing contribution". So that's that. People change, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. i find the whole thing unfortunate. My opinion is that i was an equally contributing member of the band i loved so much. I now get to focus on better things in my life.
I'm in no way done playing music, as I've already started a few bands with my friends around Portland. I'll be attending this years Fest in Gainsville, sure I'll see plenty of you there. But for now I'll put the focus of my life on my family and my wonderful new wife.
Over the past 4 and a half years I've met countless amazing people, too many to name but some of which are now my closest friends. Played hundreds of shows. Had dreams come true by touring with some of my favorite bands, and seeing more of the US and Canada then I would have ever hoped. Also, visiting Europe 4 times over was equally astounding as it was humbling. Getting to work with Adeline and Side One Dummy Records as well as Blasting Room Studios was an honor. An especially large 'thank you' to all of the people at those camps, without you this would have been a much different trip. And to anyone and everyone i met along the way, Thank you. I am forever changed. I now leave you with this, a fitting quote that i believe describes my time in BC perfectly, said by a much more well spoken man than myself...
Jeff Goldblum - "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs." Thanks friends."
Drummer Josh Baird has confirmed the departure.