Alter The Press!


They Sink Ships Split Up

They Sink Ships have decided to split UP.

The band posted the following message:

"We have decided to call it a day and close the door on TSS. The four of us have always remained close and when the news came to us that Steve would be leaving due to genuinely growing up, starting a family and supporting his future, we were left in a situation that only seemed to have one answer. Regardless of the never ending line up change in this band, we all felt like the four of us had become TSS, regardless of founding members and history, the four of us saw in every significant moment to this band as a group, I speak for the rest of us when i say that without us all this band would not have been TSS anymore, not the band we felt us to be anyway, so it only felt right to close the door on it and move on with our lives, no bitter feeling, no regret, just incredibly fond and proud memories.

We would like to thank everyone who has ever shown this band the time of day, we have met some of the nicest people on the road with this band, we have learnt so much about myself, w don't regret one moment of playing in this band because its lead us to where we today , together as great friends. We started this band with the intention of playing our local venue a few times and supporting some of the amazing local bands that drew us into the local music scene. We could never have expected to have released a CD on an independent record label, to have toured the UK multiple times with bands i have the utmost respect for, to travel miles from home to rooms full of people who actually knew our band, we genuinely can't thank those people enough.

This is not the end of us playing music, we have some very exciting things in the pipe line that will be made apparent very soon so please keep yourself on a look our for it, we are very excited about this year and we hope that you will stick by us and show us the love and support that made everything possible.

R.I.P They Sink Ships 2008 - 2010

We will see you very soon

Tom, Connor and Tim"

Alter The Press!