Iggy Azalea Explains Why She Canceled Her 'Great Escape' Fall Tour

"I need a break to figure out what I want my sound to progress to," Azalea told the magazine, "and I need a break to figure out how I want my visuals to progress." Azalea skirted the standard "exhaustion" explanation, insisting that she's "not in a bad place," she just wants a chance to "enjoy what [she] worked so hard for." Azalea spoke to Seventeen prior to the public revelation that she and Nick Young were engaged to be married.
"It can kind of wear on you, too," Azalea continued, "when you've been doing the same material for a really long time." She added that she hadn't been able to find new opening acts for the postponed dates, which led her to the conclusion that "when enough things come your way, you can't ignore the signs."
"The only reason why at this point I would stay and do this tour is to save face publicly, or to not endure publicly what people will say if I cancel it," Azalea said of the Great Escape tour, "and that's not a good enough reason to do something."